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Please reattempt disclosure now if needed.

A financial conflict of interest exists when an individual, or an institution, has financial interests that have the potential to influence, or bias, their responsibilities to the University. 

Conflicts of interest, real or perceived, may manifest as: bias in research or academic work, improper influence over University subordinates or students, undue influence on research participants, inappropriate uses of University funds or property, and public allegations of unethical behavior. These situations can have the potential to damage the reputations and work of individuals and the University.

About the COI Office

The Conflict of Interest Office supports the University community in identifying and managing financial conflicts of interest related to the following activities:

We work with faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows, students and others who are required to disclose external financial relationships to the University for evaluation. We also work with the Individual Conflict of Interest Committee to review and manage financial interests that create conflicts of interest.


Submit your Financial BRR Disclosure Form online

Complete COI Training



Read More About Business relationship Reporting


Access and submit COI forms related to specific projects



Read More About ERICA

Conflict Report Form

Report to the COI Office a conflict of interest related to specific job responsibilities (i.e., purchasing, subawards, unsponsored research, etc.).

This is not the Financial Disclosure site (BRR).

Read More About conflict reporting form


Anonymously report non-compliance or a policy violation related to conflicts of interest.


Read More About EthicsPoint

Last Updated: 9/12/24